Dennis Paul Williams

Welcome to
A Healing Arts

Connecting those seeking physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic healing with healing practitioners in the Acadiana area. Providing opportunities for healing arts practitioners and those interested in the healing arts to gather, support, exchange and inspire one another.A wide variety of modalities are available as one-on-one sessions, workshops, educational and group sessions. To find out more, browse our website by Healing Modality, Practitioner, and/or Glossary of Terms. Please contact practitioners directly to schedule a session or for more information on their particular service. For custom and onsite programs for your organization, please contact us. Examples of programs can be found here.

About Becca

Rebecca “Becca” Begnaud is a born healer. She comes by these talents both naturally and through persistence. But first, she had to experience healing from the perspective of the patient. The saga that is her life, is nothing short of remarkable. Coming back from the throes of mental illness and twice recovered from breast cancer, Becca knows more about the mind-body-spirit connection than most. Her training as a Reiki Master, Healing Touch Practitioner, and in Trauma First Aide, have all built upon that mind-body-spirit connection and personal experience. She holds a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette giving her the background to merge her own experiences and her unique education as a healer with her French-speaking Catholic roots.  As the initiator and founder/director of the now defunct Healthcare for Musicians, Becca has served as a leader.
Her own talents as a singer, musician, author, newspaper columnist, and storyteller are known throughout the Acadiana area and add to her abilities as a presenter. Her volunteerism includes speaking engagements with recovery groups for those with cancer as well as mental illness – groups who she describes as having a collective experience that is “much bigger than my own.” She is also recognized by hundreds of thousands as the French-speaking announcer/ translator on stage at the annual Festival International, a francophone event named one of the top ten festivals worldwide by “National Geographic Magazine.” But it is her gift and endowment as a French-Speaking Traditional Traiteur that has currently thrust her into the limelight.
Le Cadeau Cover

Le Cadeau

Le Cadeau is a documentary and soundtrack on healing produced by Becca Begnaud, Eric Breaux, Tony Daigle, Ray Brassieur.

Thanks for your donation!


There is a depth of healership that surfaces when one immerses himself in the daily life of a healer. Due to the pandemic this is no longer an option.  I offer an apprenticeship via Zoom so we can meet from our homes. This interactive series has no fee, but donations are welcome. The source of the material is Le Cadeau or The Gift, a CD I recorded as a way to share about healing through art.  Each class will focus on one or more of the songs, prayers or stories on the CD.

People often ask how I became a healer. They “know” they also have that ability, but don’t know what to how to develop it. Every class I have ever attended has stated that we are all healers and that, I firmly believe. Every person has their own journey and their own foundation from which to build.  We simply don’t know how to access or develop our gifts. Healing doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it happens in a community.  The participants in  this interactive experience which will become a community. I will facilitate, Spirit will lead and we will all learn together.

Due to the coronovirus, this course will be offered on Zoom. Sessions will  be 6 – 6:40 p.m. (Central time) on Tuesdays. Starting date to be announced. Click here to contact me about participating and ordering your CD. The cost of a CD is $20 including shipping fees and will be mailed directly to you.

Healer Directory

Becca Begnaud

Scott, Louisiana

Kevin Domingue

Lafayette, Louisiana

Gerri Guillory

Breaux Bridge, Louisiana

Colby Hebert

Colby Hébert

New Orleans, Louisiana

Jeanne Plaisance

Lafayette, Louisiana

Healing artists are invited to serve with us.

Please send your name and contact information, merci.